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Mastering Vocabulary with Spaced Repetition: Polidict's Approach

Last updated: August 16, 2024
In the realm of language learning, few techniques have proven as effective as spaced repetition. This scientifically-backed method has revolutionized how we approach vocabulary acquisition, and at Polidict, we've harnessed its power to help you master new words more efficiently than ever before.
Spaced Repetition Technique
Spaced Repetition Technique

Understanding Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition is a learning technique that involves reviewing information at gradually increasing intervals. This method capitalizes on the psychological spacing effect, which demonstrates that learning is more effective when study sessions are spaced out over time, rather than crammed into a single session. Source.
Recent research has consistently shown that spaced repetition is particularly effective for vocabulary acquisition in second language learning. A study published in the CALICO Journal found that computer-based spaced repetition significantly improved foreign language vocabulary retention compared to traditional learning methods.

How Polidict Implements Spaced Repetition

At Polidict, we've integrated spaced repetition into the core of our learning algorithm. Here's how it works:
  1. Adaptive Intervals: Our system dynamically adjusts the review intervals for each word based on your performance. If you consistently recall a word correctly, the intervals between reviews will increase. Conversely, if you struggle with a word, you'll see it more frequently.
  2. Multiple Learning Tracks: We recognize that language learning involves various skills. That's why Polidict maintains separate learning tracks for writing, listening, speaking, and each definition of a word. This allows for more targeted repetition where you need it most.
  3. Performance-Based Scoring: Your score for each word increases with correct answers and decreases with incorrect ones. This score directly influences when you'll next encounter the word in your learning sessions.
  4. Immediate Reinforcement: When you answer incorrectly, Polidict schedules a near-future review to reinforce the correct information quickly.
  5. Long-Term Retention Focus: As you demonstrate mastery of a word across multiple encounters, Polidict gradually extends the intervals between reviews, aiming for long-term retention rather than short-term memorization.
By implementing these features, Polidict ensures that your study time is optimized for maximum effectiveness. Our spaced repetition system is designed to help you not just learn new words, but truly master them for long-term use in your target language.

The Benefits of Polidict's Approach

  1. Efficiency: By focusing more on words you find challenging and less on those you've mastered, Polidict helps you make the most of your study time.
  2. Personalization: The adaptive nature of our system means that your learning experience is tailored to your individual needs and progress.
  3. Comprehensive Learning: By tracking progress separately for different aspects of each word, Polidict ensures a well-rounded understanding of vocabulary.
  4. Motivation: The visible progress and increasing intervals can provide a sense of achievement, motivating you to continue your language learning journey.


Spaced repetition is more than just a buzzword in language learning—it's a proven technique backed by extensive research. At Polidict, we're committed to leveraging this powerful method to help you achieve your language goals more effectively and efficiently.
Whether you're preparing for an exam, enhancing your professional skills, or simply passionate about language learning, Polidict's implementation of spaced repetition is designed to support your journey every step of the way.
Ready to experience the power of optimized spaced repetition? Start your learning journey with Polidict today!